"Hep Bir Adım Önde..."
Lunch at Sanko Private Schools is catered by Sofra Group and cooked in our school kitchen. Lunch menu is prepared by dieticians in a way to satisfy our students’ nutrition needs.
There are 4 dining rooms: kindergarten, primary, middle and high school dining rooms. Also, there is a buffet in the primary school and two cafeterias in the middle and high schools. The kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students may benefit from breakfast, lunch and mid-afternoon meal.
Lunch is compulsory and mid-afternoon meal is optional for all our kindergarten and primary school students for their healthy and balanced nutrition. The students do not carry money with them. The parents transfer some money into the students’ accounts and the students use receipts from the kiosk machines.
The sale and consumption of fizzy drinks such as coke, soda water, etc. is forbidden at school. All the food sold at buffets and cafeterias at our school is produced in our school kitchen.
A sentinel cafeteria serves our students to stay at our school after the lessons for studying and trainings. The nutrition committee comprised of the representative teachers and students of kindergarten, primary, middle and high schools, the school assembly president and the catering firm meet and express their wishes and suggestions.